Farm News  |   April 18, 2022

Community Allotments – Spaces available for Groups

We are now accepting applications from local groups or organisations for the first 10-15 allotment plots…

This year is our first year for the allotments. In recognition of the fact that some in the local community don’t have access to a garden or growing space, and might not have the confidence to take on a plot, we decided to start slowly. This year, we have space for 10-15 plots to start, but we are only accepting applications from local groups or organisations; we are not yet open to individuals.

A “group” could be a group of neighbours, or friends living in the local area or a common interest group. For organisations, we are looking for organisations who work with local people and who would want a plot to bring local people to the allotment to gain experience in growing food. Our main focus is to give local people who don’t have access to growing spaces, a chance to learn how to grow food before we open any plots to individuals.

We also have a plot within the allotments that we will use for running food growing workshops and where we are now running open gardening sessions currently every Thursday afternoon from 1-3pm – anyone is welcome to join these.

This plot might also be good for any groups of organisations who do not feel ready to take on their own plot, they could bring groups for some light gardening in this plot on a regular basis with some guidance from EAC.

If you are part of a group or organisation who would be interested in finding out more, please email:

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Edinburgh Agroecology Co-operative (EAC) Community Interest Company (CIC)
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