The Farm

Lauriston Farm is a 100 acre piece of land in North West Edinburgh, overlooking the Firth Of Forth, and has a long history of food production, however in recent years the land was solely being used for intermittent grazing and silage production.
Edinburgh Agroecology Co–operative proposed a vision for a different agricultural landscape focusing on the interrelations between food production, nature and the local community. After carrying out a community consultation in the autumn of 2020 and lengthy discussions with the council, EAC began in the winter of 2021 to transform Lauriston back into a large scale food growing farm which is nature and community rich.
Our mission is to develop and be an exemplar model of urban agroecology farming, habitat creation and multifunctional land use that benefits, supports and regenerates its environment and those connected to it.
Our vision is for a place that is vibrant, resilient and just. We imagine a space where food, ecology and community are not secondary but central and integrated concerns; where a holistic approach to the well-being of individuals and their environment builds well-being in the community; and where connection with the land, our health and our communities is real.
The farm has the potential to deliver many benefits including increased access to affordable locally grown food, biodiversity and enrichment of local wildlife habitats, carbon capture, multiple avenues for training and education around food growing, land skills and the environment and for celebration and coming together through community activities and events.
What We Do

Lauriston Farm is a 100 acre piece of land in North West Edinburgh, overlooking the Firth Of Forth, and has a long history of food production, however in recent years the land was solely being used for intermittent grazing and silage production.