Farm News | January 2, 2024
Community Orchard – how to get involved
You can get involved in the Community Orchard at the start of 2024…

We’re planning to expand our community orchard over the coming months and have a Wassail Celebration too!
The Orchard is a community initiative – local folk are planting and taking care of the trees. The group is just getting into a routine with meetings, and making new plans for the year. New members are welcome, and you don’t need prior knowledge about trees – it’s a good chance to learn. Please come along to any of the upcoming sessions to see what it’s like and get involved…
Community Orchard dates in January & February
Saturday 13th January
Planning Wassail and design workshops
Saturday 3rd February
time TBC
Monday 5th February
Winter pruning in the orchard workshop – with the Botanics
Saturday 10th February
11am – 1pm
Planting of fruit trees
The Community Orchard is next to the allotments (outside the fencing) – near the wooden gazebo. Click here to get directions to the farm. If you’d like more information please contact