Farm News | April 13, 2023
Damage to ponds
We created seven ponds as habitat for frogs, toads and newts, plus specialist wetland plants. We were hoping we would get frog spawn this spring, but sadly…

We created seven ponds as habitat for frogs, toads and newts, plus specialist wetland plants. We were hoping we would get frog spawn this spring, but sadly, the impact of dogs in and around the ponds means the plants have not been able to grow and we don’t have suitable breeding conditions – as the picture shows. If left undisturbed, the ponds would have clear water with aquatic plants and tall surrounding vegetation, offering good cover for amphibians.
On a more positive note, the skylarks are singing and displaying, and the roe deer are a particular highlight. You can often see the buck with his antlers clearly visible with a group of females in the North field. It’s well worth viewing through binoculars if you can – it is wonderful to watch these beautiful animals. Please be aware that the fawns are born in April and May when food is abundant. Dogs off the lead are a high risk to the fawns, which the female leaves hidden in vegetation while she feeds.
Thank you to everyone who walks dogs under close control on the farm and stays clear of the wildlife fields – please help us spread the word about the return of wildlife to the farm, and enjoy wildlife spotting. We love it when you log your sightings on iNaturalist – find us in the Projects list.