Farm News | December 6, 2021
Fencing going up at Lauriston
Fencing going up for food growing areas and wildlife protection

This month, there will be a contractor working with us on site to repair fences and to put up new deer fence around the food-growing spaces and stock fencing for protecting the wildlife habitat areas. This will include new gates etc.
There will still be plenty of unenclosed spaces for everyone to walk and enjoy and we hope the fence construction doesn’t cause too much disruption, but please let us know if it does.
The fencing is an important step. It means that we can begin work on preparing the ground for food-growing early next year. Once the ground is prepped we can start propagation for our market garden, so that the first vegetables will be available for sale in summer 2022. It also means we can open the first community growing spaces and begin work on wildlife habitat restoration and creation.
We are excited for these next steps and look forward to the opportunities this will create for everyone to participate in different ways on site.