Farm News  |   October 3, 2022

Our Seeds: History of Wheat

Join us to plant a history of wheat plot…

Join us to plant a history of wheat plot – click here to sign up (free) on Eventbrite

Learn about the history of grain cultivation originating in the fertile crescent, starting with Einkorn, some 10,000 years ago up to modern varieties that dominate the agricultural fields today. We will explore how different varieties have been crossed and bred to make wheat and also flour that we recognise today, what growing grains adapted for diverse environments and specific climates looks like, and if humans really domesticated wheat or if perhaps it is the other way around.

Into prepared ground, we will plant over 20 different cereal varieties, including wheats, spelt, rye and barley. We’ll label and keep track of how each is growing up until harvest 2023.

Dress for the weather. Children under 14 are welcome but must come with an adult.

With Granton Community Gardeners

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Edinburgh Agroecology Co-operative (EAC) Community Interest Company (CIC)
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