Drop-in Volunteering
Drop-in Volunteering in the Community Allotments & Garden...
Drop-in Volunteering in the Community Allotments & Garden...
Help continue our tree planting project...
Help continue our tree planting project...
Drop-in Volunteering in the Community Allotments & Garden...
Help extend the willow bed and refresh the wildflower garden space...
Drop-in Volunteering in the Community Allotments & Garden...
We'd love your help in the Market Garden...
Help the group plant some additional trees in the orchard...
We've planted 11,000 trees and counting - come along and help add a few more...
Work continues on our wildflower hill - we'd love your helping hands...
The bird surveys are back...
Still plenty of treasure in the Kist, and still plenty of time for you to get sowing...